"Now in its 12th year, the Richmond International Film Festival will be bringing 195 films, 35 bands and special events to the city this year." - Richmond Times Dispatch
“Slingshot,” a short film from former Richmonder Hannah Hoover, will premiere at the festival on Thursday. Hoover, now living in Los Angeles, began her film career working on various Virginia projects such as “John Adams” and “Lincoln.” “Slingshot” was filmed during the pandemic and tells the story of a divorced man set on revenge."
RIFF will also host its first Global Visionary Summit on Sunday at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture, 428 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd. The cinema series features an all-day walk-through art exhibit and a contemporary interactive dance segment, as well as panels to follow the films on such topics as women and equity, environmental sustainability, and technology and innovation.
The Richmond International Film Festival runs through Sunday at various venues. For schedule, tickets and information, visit riff.eventive.org."
Slingshot was co-produced by Walid Chaya, who also had a comeo on the film.